A. Pressing the Esc key
B. Pressing the Tab Key
C. Both of these
D. None of above
MS Excel
In the category of MS Excel MCQs, you will find a great collection that covers all versions. The questions are MCQ’s and can be solved on your own or with help from friends!Read More
Main window in a computer spreadsheet is called ……….. ?
A. Work book
B. Work
C. Account book
D. Work sheet
In a computer spreadsheet, function which is used to count numbers of entries in given range is called ………. ?
A. Length
B. Counter
C. Counting
D. Count
Title bar in MS-Excel displays name of the ………. ?
A. Worksheet
B. Workbook
C. Formula
D. Location
In a computer spreadsheet, which is true if current or active cell is B4 and you pressed Enter key?
A. you will be in the cell A1
B. you will be in the cell B5
C. you will be in the cell B3
D. you will be in the cell B6
In a computer spreadsheet, block of cells is called ………. ?
A. Workbook
B. Function
C. Column
D. Range
Computer spreadsheet cell that is highlighted with a heavy border is a ……… ?
A. Active cell
B. Cell containing a formula
C. Locked cell
D. Cell
User developed instruction for excel are called……….?
A. Progrms
B. Macros
C. Procedured
D. All of these
Basic unit of a computer worksheet in which you enter text and numbers is known as ………. ?
A. workbook
B. column
C. row
D. cell
In a computer spreadsheet rows are labeled …….. ?
A. by letters
B. by numbers
C. by cell references
D. by symbols