A. Ctrl+4
B. Ctrl+5
C. Ctrl+6
D. None of the above.
MS Excel
In the category of MS Excel MCQs, you will find a great collection that covers all versions. The questions are MCQ’s and can be solved on your own or with help from friends!Read More
Ctrl+Shift+1 shortcut Keys in excel are used to ……….?
A. Format number in comma format
B. Format number in currency format
C. Format number in date format
D. Format number in time format
Which of the following is the latest version of MS Excel?
A. Excel 2016
B. Excel 2017
C. Excel 2019
D. Office 365
Microsoft Excel 2019 files have a default extension of………..?
A. .Xlsx
B. .Xls
C. .excel
D. .123
What displays the content of active cell?
A. Name box
B. Row headings
C. Formula bar
D. None of these
Which function calculates the largest value in a set of numbers?
A. Average
B. Count
C. Minimum
D. Maximum
In excel columns are labelled as…………?
A. A, B, C, etc.
B. 1, 2, 3, etc.
C. A1, A2, A3, etc.
D. $A$1, $A$2, etc.
Which Operation can’t be performed by Queue?
A. Insertion
B. Deletion
C. Retrieving
D. Traversing
In Ms Excel, which of the following special function keys allow the content in cell?
A. Shift
B. Esc
C. Tab
D. Space
in MS-Excel………. short cut key is used for hiding rows.
A. Ctrl+H
B. Ctrl+7
C. Ctrl+9
D. None of the above