A. Uni-process
B. Multiprocessor
C. Multi-threaded
D. Multi-programming
Computer Mcqs
Basic computer knowledge and Computer Fundamental MCQs
Computer knowledge is most demand able things in any work. Almost all departments need to have a good command on the computers these days as they become an important part of our lives whether it be at home or office-based professionals.Read More
Who is the father of Internet ?
A. Chares Babbage
B. Vint Cerf
C. Denis Riche
D. Martin Cooper
The basic operations performed by a computer are……….?
A. Arithmetic operation
B. Logical operation
C. Storage and relative
D. All the above
Who is the father of Computer?
A. Allen Turing
B. Charles Babbage
C. Simur Cray
D. Augusta Adaming
The term ‘Computer’ is derived from……….?
A. Latin
B. German
C. French
D. Arabic