1. Problems on Trains | 2. Time and Work | 3. Profit and Loss |
4. Problems on Ages | 5. Average | 6. Permutation and Combination |
7. H.C.F and L.C.M | 8. Decimal Fraction | 9. Bankers Discount |
10. Probability | 11. Simplification | 12. Bankers Discount |
13. Stocks and Shares | 14. Time and Distance | 15. Simple Interest |
16. Partnership | 17. Calendar | 18. Area |
19. Number Series | 20. Ratio and Proportion | 21. Alligation or Mixture |
22. Odd Man out and Series | 23. Logarithm | 24. Races and Games |
25. Surds and Indices | 26. Height and Distance | 27. Compound Interest |
28. Percentage | 29. Clock | 30. Volume and Surface Area |
31. Problems on Numbers | 32. True Discount | 33. Boats and Streams |
34. Pipes and Cistern | 35. Square Root and Cube Root | 36. Chain Rule |